Javascript Reference
Categories: STYLE

javascript STYLE background

@March 15, 2008, 1:22 a.m.
backgroundFirefox/Netscape/NN 6 IE 4 Chrome/Safari/DOM 2  


Provides the element's style sheet background attribute. This is a shorthand attribute, so the scripted property consists of a string of space-delimited values for the backgroundAttachment, backgroundColor, backgroundImage, backgroundPosition, and backgroundRepeat property values. One or more values may be in the background value, and the individual values may be in any order. Available in IE as a property of the style and runtimeStyle objects only.

document.getElementById("myDiv").style.background = "url(logo.gif) repeat-y";

String of space-delimited values corresponding to one or more individual background style properties.



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Walterdielt - 1 years

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