Javascript Reference
Categories: selection

javascript selection anchorNode, focusNode

@April 28, 2008, 3:33 p.m.
anchorNode, focusNode Firefox/Netscape/NN 6 IE n/a Chrome/Safari/DOM n/a  



Return a reference to the node where the user started (anchor) and ended (focus) the selection. Most typically, these are text node types. If the selection is set or extended via the addRange( ) method, these properties point to the node boundaries of the most recently added range.

var anchor = selectionRef.anchorNode;
if (anchor.nodeType == 3 && anchor.parentNode.tagName == "td") {
// process selection start inside a table cell

Reference to a document tree node, or null if no selection.



Hello administrator, Keep up the good work, admin!
Arletha Witcher - 2 months
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Bocarupporo - 2016-01-10

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