Javascript Reference
Categories: Global

javascript Global eval( )

@March 15, 2008, 1:22 a.m.
eval( )Firefox/Netscape/NN 2 IE 3 ECMA 1  



Returns an object reference of the object described as a string in the parameter of the function. For example, if a form has a sequence of text fields named entry1, entry2, entry3, and so on, you can still use a for loop to cycle through all items by name if you let the eval( ) function convert the string representation of the names to object references:

for (var i = 1; i<=5; i++) {
    oneField = eval("document.forms[0].entry" + i);
    oneValue = oneField.value;

Be aware, however, that the eval( ) method is perhaps the most inefficient and performance-draining method of the entire JavaScript language. There are many other, far more efficient, ways to reference a document tree object when you have only the string ID or name, such as the document.getElementById( ) and, for older browsers, named indexes of the document.forms, document.images, and document.formRef.elements arrays.

  • Any string representation of an object reference.
Returned Value

Object reference.

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