Javascript Reference
Categories: FRAMESET

javascript FRAMESET Description

@Aug. 17, 2009, 9:44 a.m.
frameset Firefox/Netscape/NN 6 IE 4 Chrome/Safari/DOM 1  



The frameset object reflects the frameset element. Be sure to distinguish the difference between the frameset element object (described here) and the window object that a frameset makes possible. Properties and methods of a frameset element object tend to reflect the aspects associated with the HTML element and its attributes. The content of the frameset element is a window (a view in the W3C DOM terminology), which has been scriptable from the beginning, and contains a document (although with no renderable elements beyond the nested frame elements). Reference a frameset element object via its ID. For example, from a script residing in one frame's document, reach the frameset element object via:


But to reach the frameset's window (and thus access its scripts and document), the reference from the same script would be either of the following:


If a script is processing a reference to the frameset element object, you can jump the fence between the element object and its content via the ownerDocument property of the element.


Be aware that references to frameset objects shown in this section may not work properly in the Windows 95 version of Internet Explorer 4. Also, the windowRef placeholder may be filled with parent or top if the reference is in a script contained by a child frame.

HTML Equivalent
Object Model Reference
Object-Specific Properties
border borderColor cols frameBorder frameSpacing rows
Object-Specific Methods


Object-Specific Event Handler Properties
Handler IE Windows IE Mac Firefox/Netscape/NN W3C DOM
onafterprint 5 n/a n/a n/a
onbeforeprint 5 n/a n/a n/a
onbeforeunload 4 n/a n/a n/a
onload 3 3.01 2 2
onresize 4 4 4 n/a
onunload 3 3.01 2 2
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