Javascript Reference
Categories: FRAMESET

javascript FRAMESET cols

@March 15, 2008, 1:22 a.m.
colsFirefox/Netscape/NN 6 IE 4 Chrome/Safari/DOM 1  


Defines the sizes or proportions of the column arrangement of frames in a frameset. Column size is defined in one of three ways:

  • An absolute pixel size

  • A percentage of the width available for the entire frameset

  • A wildcard (*) to represent all available remaining space after other pixels and percentages have been accounted for


Exercise extreme care when scripting a change to this property. Altering the composition of a frameset on the fly might disrupt scripts that communicate across frames. Reducing the number of columns may destroy documents whose scripts or objects support scripts in other frames or the parent. It is safest to maintain the same number of columns, but use this property to adjust the widths of existing frame columns. Early versions of Netscape 6 may not render changes correctly. Also, if your scripts rely on the frameset's onresize event handler, be sure to test on as many platforms as possible that the event is firing in response to script changes of these properties.

parent.document.getElementById("framesetter").cols = "40%,60%";

Comma-separated list (as a string) of pixel, percentage, or wildcard (*) values. Internet Explorer 4 for the Macintosh exhibits incorrect behavior with some combinations that include a wildcard value.



Hi webmaster, Your posts are always interesting.
Lyndon Moffitt - 2 months
its not working in IE
parent.document.getElementById("framesetter").cols = "40%,60%";
satya - 2013-02-18

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