Javascript Reference
Categories: event

javascript event charCode

@March 15, 2008, 1:22 a.m.
charCodeFirefox/Netscape/NN 6 IE n/a Chrome/Safari/DOM n/a


Returns an integer corresponding to the Unicode value of the character generated by the key that fired the event. The character code is different from the key code, as the character code distinguishes between upper- and lowercase letters (for example, 97 for "a" and 65 for "A"), whereas the keyCode value is the same for that key, regardless of the character created from it. This property generally contains a value only for onkeypress events; the value is zero for onkeydown and onkeyup events. For the IE equivalent, see the keyCode property.


When the keyboard events module is completed for W3C DOM Level 3, this property will probably have a different name.

if (evt.charCode > 96 && evt.charCode < 123) { += String.fromCharCode(evt.charCode - 32);
    evt.preventDefault( );




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