Javascript Reference
Events > event
javascript event Description
The event object contains information about a user- or system-generated event. But there are three different kinds of event objects, one for eac
javascript event altKey
Returns true if the left or right Alt key is down at the time the event fired.
javascript event altLeft
Returns true if the left Alt key is down at the time the event fired.
javascript event attrChange
Returns an integer code corresponding to the type of change made to an Attr node as the result of a DOMAttrModified event type of W3C DOM mutati
javascript event attrName
Returns a string version of the name of an Attr node affected by a DOMAttrModified event type of W3C DOM mutation event.
javascript event behaviorCookie, behaviorPart, bookmarks, boundElements
These properties are returned by the event object in IE 6 for Windows (with values 0 , 0 , null , and the empty array, respectively), but Micr
javascript event bubbles
Returns Boolean true if the default behavior of the event is to allow the event to bubble through the element hierarchy.
javascript event button
Inidicates which mouse button was pressed to trigger the mouse event. Be aware that the typical Macintosh has only a one-button mouse. Also, if you
javascript event cancelable
Returns Boolean true if the event is of the type that can have its default behavior on the target element cancelled via the preventDefault( ) me
javascript event cancelBubble
Specifies whether the event should propagate (bubble) up the element container hierarchy. You usually only need to set this property to true to ov
javascript event charCode
Returns an integer corresponding to the Unicode value of the character generated by the key that fired the event. The character code is different fr
javascript event clientX, clientY
Indicate the horizontal (x) and vertical (y) coordinate of the mouse at the moment the current event fired. These coordinates are relative to the view
javascript event contentOverflow
Returns Boolean true if as-yet unrendered content requires a new layout rectangle to handle the overflow content. The property applies only to the
javascript event ctrlKey
Returns true if the left or right Control key was pressed at the instant the event fired.
javascript event ctrlLeft
Returns true if the left Control key was pressed at the instant the event fired.
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