Javascript Reference
Categories: Element

javascript Element insertAdjacentText( )

@March 15, 2008, 1:22 a.m.
insertAdjacentText( ) NN n/a IE 4 DOM n/a  

insertAdjacentText("where", text)


Inserts text into the designated position relative to the element's existing HTML. If HTML tags are part of the text to be inserted, the tags are shown literally on the page. This method is not supported in many objects in the Macintosh version of IE 4.

  • String value of one of the following constants: BeforeBegin | AfterBegin | BeforeEnd | AfterEnd. The first and last locations are outside the HTML tags of the current element; the middle two locations are between the tags and element content.
  • String value of the text to be inserted in the desired location.
Returned Value


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