Javascript Reference
Grammar > Operators
javascript Operators ?:
The conditional operator provides a shortcut syntax to an if/else control structure. There are three components to the deployment of this operator:
javascript Operators continue
Stops execution of the current iteration through the loop and returns to the top of the loop for the next pass (executing the update expression if o
javascript Operators /char
JavaScript provides a mechanism for including common whitespace characters (sometimes called control codes) inside strings, as well as symbols that ot
javascript Operators -
The decrement operator (a unary operator) subtracts 1 from the current value of a variable expression. You can place the operator in front of or beh
javascript Operators delete
The delete operator removes a property from an object (e.g., a prototype property from an instance of an object to whose static object your script
javascript Operators /
The division operator divides the number to the left of the operator by the number to the right. Both operands must be numbers. An expression with t
javascript Operators do/while
Executes statements in a loop while a condition is true. Because the condition is tested at the end of the loop, the statements inside it are always
javascript Operators ==
The equality operator compares two operand values and returns a Boolean result. The behavior of this operator differs with the version of JavaScript
javascript Operators >=
The greater-than-or-equal operator compares the values of operands on either side of the operator. If the numeric value of the left operand is large
javascript Operators >
The greater-than operator compares the values of operands on either side of the operator. If the numeric value of the left operand is larger than th
javascript Operators if
This is a simple conditional statement that provides one alternate execution path.
javascript Operators if/else
This is a conditional statement that provides two execution paths depending on the result of the condition. You can nest another if or if / else
javascript Operators in
The in operator lets scripts quickly uncover whether an object has a particular property or method implemented for it. The left operand is a strin
javascript Operators ++
The increment operator (a unary operator) adds 1 to the current value of a variable expression. You can place the operator in front of or behind
javascript Operators !=
The inequality operator compares two operand values and returns a Boolean result. The behavior of this operator differs with the version of JavaScri
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