Grammar >
javascript Operators =
The assignment operator assigns the evaluated value of the right-hand operand to the variable on the left. After the operation, the variable contain
javascript Operators &
The bitwise AND operator performs binary math on two operands (their binary values). Each column of bits is subjected to the Boolean AND operation.
javascript Operators <<
The bitwise left-shift operator shifts the bits of the first operand by the number of columns specified by the second operand. For example, if the b
javascript Operators ~
This is the bitwise NOT operator. This unary operator inverts the value of the binary digit in each column of a number. For example, the binary 6 is
javascript Operators |
The bitwise OR operator performs binary math on two operands (their binary values). Each column of bits is subjected to the Boolean OR operation. If
javascript Operators >>
The bitwise right-shift operator shifts the bits of the first operand by the number of columns specified by the second operand. For example, if the
javascript Operators ^
The bitwise exclusive OR (XOR) operator performs binary math on two operands (their binary values). Each column of bits is subjected to the Boolean
javascript Operators >>>
This is the bitwise zero-fill right-shift operator. This operator shifts the bits of the first operand (to the right) by the number of columns speci
javascript Operators ,
The comma operator (with or without optional white space following it) can delimit expressions in the same line of script. It can be used in a numbe
javascript Operators /*...*/
These are comment statements that let you enter nonexecuting text in a script. Any text following the // symbol anywhere in a statement line is ig
javascript Operators //
These are comment statements that let you enter nonexecuting text in a script. Any text following the // symbol anywhere in a statement line is ig
javascript Operators @cc_on
IE for Windows includes a scripting feature called conditional compilation . It is a mode that, once turned on via the @cc_on statement, allows JScrip
javascript Operators @if
Operator @if is a sub chapter of @cc_on, @if, @end, @set, view below instead: javascript Operators @cc_on
javascript Operators @end
Operator @end is a sub chapter of @cc_on, @if, @end, @set, view below instead: javascript Operators @cc_on
javascript Operators @set
Operator @set is a sub chapter of @cc_on, @if, @end, @set, view below instead: javascript Operators @cc_on
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