Grammar >
javascript Operators instanceof
The instanceof operator lets scripts determine if an object (the left operand) is an instance of a known object (or inherited from the known objec
javascript Operators <=
The less-than-or-equal operator compares the values of operands on either side of the operator. If the numeric value of the left operand is smaller
javascript Operators <
The less-than operator compares the values of operands on either side of the operator. If the numeric value of the left operand is smaller than the
javascript Operators %
The modulus operator divides the number to the left of the operator by the number to the right. If a remainder exists after the division, the expres
javascript Operators *
The multiplication operator multiplies the number to the left of the operator by the number to the right. Both operands must be numbers. An expressi
javascript Operators new
The new operator creates instances of the following ECMA standard static objects: Array Boolean Date Function
javascript Operators !
This is the NOT operator. This unary operator evaluates to the negative value of a single Boolean operand. The NOT operator should be used with expl
javascript Operators ||
The OR operator compares two Boolean expressions for equality. If either or both expressions evaluate to true , the result of the || operator als
javascript Operators ===
The strictly equals (identity) operator compares two operand values and returns a Boolean result. Both the value and data type of the two operands m
javascript Operators !==
The strict-not-equals (nonidentity) operator compares two operand values and returns a Boolean result. Both the value and data type of the two opera
javascript Operators for
This is a construction that allows repeated execution of statements, usually for a controlled number of times.
javascript Operators for/in
This is a variation of the regular for loop that can extract the property names and values of an object. Only properties (and, in Netscape 6, meth
javascript Operators switch/case
Provides a shortcut to execution paths for numerous conditions of an expression. The optional break statement at the end of each case block shortcuts
javascript Operators this
Refers to the current object. For example, in a form control object event handler, you can pass the object as a parameter to the function: <
javascript Operators throw
Triggers an exception condition, passing a value along with the exception. Although the value you pass can be a simple string, ideally you should pa
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