Javascript Reference
Categories: TABLE

javascript TABLE rules

@March 15, 2008, 1:22 a.m.
rulesFirefox/Netscape/NN 6 IE 4 Chrome/Safari/DOM 1  


Indicates where (if at all) interior borders between cells are rendered by the browser. In addition to setting the table to draw borders to turn the cells into a matrix, you can set borders to be drawn only to separate borders, columns, or any sanctioned cell grouping (thead, tbody, tfoot, colgroup, or col). The border attribute must be presenteither as a Boolean or set to a specific border sizefor any cell borders to be drawn. Do not confuse this property with the rules[ ] collection of styleSheet objects. Scripted changes to this property do not always yield the desired results, especially in early versions of Netscape 6.

document.getElementById("myTable").rules = "groups";

Any one case-insensitive rules constant (as a string):


Renders borders around each cell


Renders borders between columns only


Renders borders between cell groups as defined by thead, tfoot, tbody, colgroup, or col elements


Hides all interior borders


Renders borders between rows only


none (when border=0); all (when border is any other value).

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Ryhkvj - 1 years
Under moderation.
WalterEnaph - 2018-01-22
Under moderation.
RandyViews - 2018-01-22

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