Javascript Reference
Categories: STYLE

javascript STYLE textDecorationBlink, textDecorationLineThrough, textDecorationNone, textDecorationOverline, textDecorationUnderline

@Aug. 15, 2009, 12:19 p.m.
textDecorationBlink, textDecorationLineThrough, textDecorationNone, textDecorationOverline, textDecorationUnderline Firefox/Netscape/NN n/a IE 4 Chrome/Safari/DOM n/a  



Specifies whether the specified text decoration feature is enabled for the element. Each of these properties corresponds to a value that can be assigned to the text-decoration style attribute in CSS. Internet Explorer does not blink text, so the textDecorationBlink property is ignored. Setting textDecorationNone to true sets all other related properties to false. Setting these properties on the Macintosh version of IE 4 does not alter the content. Use the textDecoration property insteadgood practice all around.

document.getElementById("emphasis").style.textDecorationLineThrough = "true";

Boolean value: true | false.



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