Javascript Reference
Categories: STYLE

javascript STYLE listStyle

@March 15, 2008, 1:22 a.m.
listStyleFirefox/Netscape/NN 6 IE 4 Chrome/Safari/DOM 2  


This is a shorthand property for setting up to three list-style properties in one assignment statement. Whichever attributes you don't explicitly set with this attribute assume their default values. These properties define display characteristics for the markers automatically rendered for list items inside ol and ul elements. This is available in IE as a property of the style and runtimeStyle objects only, but individual properties are properties of currentStyle, as well.

document.getElementById("itemList").style.listStyle = "square outside none";

See the individual attribute entries for listStyleType, listStylePosition, and listStyleImage for details on acceptable values for each. You may include one, two, or all three values in the list-style attribute setting in any order you wish.



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