Javascript Reference
Categories: implementation

javascript implementation Description

@March 15, 2008, 1:22 a.m.
implementationFirefox/Netscape/NN 6 IE 5(Mac)/6(Win) Chrome/Safari/DOM 1  


The implementation object (the JavaScript reference for the W3C DOMImplementation object) represents, to a limited degree, the environment that makes up the document containerthe browser for our purposes. You can reach this object via the document.implementation property.


Methods of the object let you see which DOM modules the browser reports supporting. In Netscape 6, this object is also a gateway to creating virtual W3C Document and DocumentType objects outside of the current document tree. Thus, in Netscape 6 you can use the document.implementation property as a start to generating a nonrendered document for external XML documents.

Object Model Reference


Object-Specific Properties


Object-Specific Methods
createDocument( )createDocumentType( )hasFeature( )
Object-Specific Event Handler Properties


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