HTML Elements >
javascript STYLE borderBottomStyle, borderLeftStyle, borderRightStyle, borderTopStyle
Provide the line style of a single border edge of an element. The edge-specific attributes let you override a style that has been applied to all fou
javascript STYLE borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth, borderRightWidth, borderTopWidth
Provide the width of a single border edge of an element. See also the borderWidth property for setting the width for groups of edges in one statem
javascript STYLE borderCollapse
Controls which table border model the table element should observe.
javascript STYLE borderColor
A shortcut attribute that lets you set multiple border edges to the same or different colors. You may supply one to four space-delimited color values.
javascript STYLE borderSpacing
Controls the spacing between table cells when the table is in (the default) separate borders mode, similar to a table object's cellSpacing prope
javascript STYLE borderStyle
This is a shortcut property that lets you set multiple border edges to the same or different style. You may supply one to four space-delimited style
javascript STYLE borderWidth
This is a shortcut property that lets you set multiple border edges to the same or different width. You may supply one to four space-delimited width
javascript STYLE bottom
For an absolute-positioned element, defines the position of the bottom edge of an element's box (content plus bottom padding, border, and/or margin)
javascript STYLE captionSide
Controls the location of a caption element (nested inside a table element) relative to the table's box.
javascript STYLE clear
Defines whether the element allows itself to be displayed in the same horizontal band as a floating element. Typically, another element in the vicin
javascript STYLE clip
Defines a clipping region of a positionable element. The clipping region is the area of the element layer in which content is visible. Clipping may
javascript STYLE clipBottom, clipLeft, clipRight, clipTop
Return a clipping edge of a positionable element. Available in IE as a property of the currentStyle object only.
javascript STYLE cssFloat
Controls the CSS float attribute for an element, allowing adjacent text content to wrap around block elements, such as images. Changing the value
javascript STYLE cssText
Returns a string of the entire CSS style sheet rule applied to the element. If the rule included shorthand style attribute settings (such as border
javascript STYLE currentStyle
Returns a style object with properties that reflect the effective values being applied to the element. This property takes into account style shee
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