Javascript Reference
Objects > String
javascript String Description
A String object represents any sequence of zero or more characters that are to be treated strictly as text (that is, no math operations are to be
javascript String constructor
This is a reference to the function that created the instance of a String objectthe native String( ) constructor function in browsers.
javascript String length
Provides a count of the number of characters in the string. String values dynamically change their lengths if new values are assigned to them or if
javascript String prototype
This is a property of the static String object. Use the prototype property to assign new properties and methods to future instances of a Strin
javascript String anchor( )
Returns a copy of the string embedded within an anchor ( <a> ) tag set. The value passed as a parameter is assigned to the name attribute of
javascript String big( )
Returns a copy of the string embedded within a <big> tag set.
javascript String blink( )
Returns a copy of the string embedded within a <blink> tag set.
javascript String bold( )
Returns a copy of the string embedded within a <b> tag set.
javascript String charAt( )
Returns a single character string of the character located at the zero-based index position passed as a parameter. Use this method instead of subst
javascript String charCodeAt( )
Returns a number of the decimal Unicode value for the character located at the zero-based index position passed as a parameter. For common alphanume
javascript String concat( )
Returns a string that appends the parameter string to the current string object. The results of this method are the same as concatenating strings with
javascript String fixed( )
Returns a copy of the string embedded within a <tt> tag set.
javascript String fontcolor( )
Returns a copy of the string embedded within a font ( <font> ) tag set. The value passed as a parameter is assigned to the color attribute o
javascript String fontsize( )
Returns a copy of the string embedded within a font ( <font> ) tag set. The value passed as a parameter is assigned to the size attribute of
javascript String fromCharCode( )
This is a static method that returns a string of one or more characters with Unicode values that are passed as a comma-delimited list of parameters.
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