Javascript Reference
Objects > OBJECT
javascript OBJECT setCapture( )
Initiates IE capture mode for all click-related mouse events ( onclick , ondblclick , onmousedown , onmousemove , onmouseout , onmouseover ,
javascript OBJECT standby
This will eventually assume the duty of the alt attribute for displaying a message during loading. Currently has no effect on the element.
javascript OBJECT tabIndex
This is a number that indicates the sequence of this OBJECT element within the tabbing order of all focusable elements in the document.
javascript OBJECT type
Provides an advisory about the MIME type of the external data to be loaded into the object. The browser looks to the type property value if the
javascript OBJECT useMap
Provides the URL of the map element in the same document that contains client-side image map hot areas and links. The value includes the hash mark
javascript OBJECT vspace
The vspace property of OBJECT is described in chapter: javascript OBJECT hspace, vspace
javascript OBJECT width
The width property of OBJECT is described in chapter: javascript OBJECT height, width
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