Javascript Reference
Objects > OBJECT
javascript OBJECT dataFld
Used with IE data binding to associate a remote data source column name to an object element attribute determined by properties set in the object.
javascript OBJECT dataSrc
Used with IE data binding to specify the ID of the page's object element that loads the data source object for remote data access (an object el
javascript OBJECT declare
Reflects the declare attribute. As of Version 6 browsers, has no effect on the content.
javascript OBJECT form
Returns a reference to the form element that contains the current element (if any). This property is appropriate only if the object is acting as a
javascript OBJECT getBoundingClientRect( )
Returns an IE TextRectangle object that describes the rectangular space occupied by the current element (including non-text elements, such as
javascript OBJECT getClientRects( )
Returns an array of IE TextRectangle objects. Each entry of the array is a TextRectangle object for a single line of a multiline text elemen
javascript OBJECT height, width
Provide the height and width of the element, in pixels. Changes to these values are immediately reflected in reflowed content on the page.
javascript OBJECT hspace, vspace
Provide the pixel measure of horizontal and vertical margins surrounding an object element. The hspace property affects the left and right edges
javascript OBJECT isDisabled
Specifies whether the current element is disabled. Reveals the actual disabled state as either explicitly set for the element or inherited from its an
javascript OBJECT Lang
Indicates the written language being used for the element's attribute and property values. Other applications and search engines might use this info
javascript OBJECT language
Indicates the scripting language for script statements defined in the element.
javascript OBJECT name
This is the identifier associated with the object element. If the object should be one that goes inside a form, the name property is submitted a
javascript OBJECT object
Provides a reference to a wrapper around an object to allow access to document object model properties of the object element when the names may be
javascript OBJECT readyState
Returns the current download status of the OBJECT object's content. This property provides intermediate information about the loading process.
javascript OBJECT releaseCapture( )
Turns off mouse event capture mode that had been engaged earlier by the setCapture( ) method. In the IE event model, mouse event capture is design
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