Javascript Reference
Objects > Node
javascript Node Description
The Node object is an abstract representation in the W3C DOM of the fundamental content building block in a document. All pieces of content that y
This set of constants belongs to the root Node object of the W3C DOM, and is therefore inherited by all document-level nodes and elements.
javascript Node addEventListener( )
Binds an event handler function to the current node so that the function executes when an event of a particular type arrives at the node eit
javascript Node appendChild( )
Inserts a new node after the end of the last child node of the current node object. The current node object must be capable of containing child
javascript Node attributes[ ]
Returns a named node map object, which resembles an array (collection) of attribute objects (W3C DOM type Attr ), but also has some methods of
javascript Node childNodes[ ]
This is a property of the W3C DOM Node object that consists of an array of references to all child nodes (a node list) in the next deeper leve
javascript Node firstChild, lastChild
Return a reference to the first or last child node of the current element node. These child nodes are text nodes nested inside an element.
javascript Node hasAttribute( )
Returns a Boolean value true if the current Node element has an attribute whose name matches the method parameter.
javascript Node hasChildNodes( )
Returns a Boolean value true if the current node contains one or more child nodes.
javascript Node insertBefore( )
Inserts a node as a child of the current node (usually the current node is an element) before one of the other child nodes of the current node.
javascript Node isSupported( )
Returns a Boolean true if the current node supports (i.e., conforms to the required specifications of) a stated W3C DOM module and version. Wh
javascript Node localName, namespaceURI, prefix
These three properties apply primarily to XML document elements with tags that are defined with the help of XML namespaces. A simplified example of
javascript Node lastChild
See firstChild.
javascript Node nextSibling, previousSibling
Return a reference to the next or previous node (respectively) in the document tree at the same nested level as the current node. If there is no nod
javascript Node nodeName
Returns a string that identifies the name of the node as influenced by the node type. For element and attribute node types, the property returns the
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