Javascript Reference
Objects > Array
javascript Array Description
An array is an ordered collection of one or more pieces of data. JavaScript array entries may be of any data type, and you can mix different data ty
javascript Array constructor
This is a reference to the function that created the instance of an Array objectthe native Array( ) constructor function in browsers.
javascript Array length
Provides a count of the number of numerically-indexed entries stored in the array. If the constructor function used to create the array specified a
javascript Array prototype
This is a property of the static Array object. Use the prototype property to assign new properties and methods to future instances of arrays cre
javascript Array concat( )
Returns an array that combines the current array object with one or more array objects (or other values) specified as the method parameter(s):
javascript Array join( )
Returns a string consisting of a list of items (as strings) contained by an array. The delimiter character(s) between items is set by the parameter
javascript Array pop( )
Returns the value of the last item in an array and removes it from the array. The length of the array decreases by one.
javascript Array push( )
Appends one or more items to the end of an array. The length of the array increases by one.
javascript Array reverse( )
Reverses the order of items in the array and returns a copy of the array in the new order. Not only does the reverse( ) method rearrange the value
javascript Array shift( )
Returns the value of the first item in an array and removes it from the array. The length of the array decreases by one.
javascript Array slice( )
Returns an array that is a subset of contiguous items from the main array. Parameters determine where the selection begins and ends.
javascript Array sort( )
Sorts the values of the array either by the ASCII value of string versions of each array entry or according to a comparison function of your own des
javascript Array splice( )
Removes one or more contiguous items from within an array and, optionally, inserts new items in their places. The length of the array adjusts itself
javascript Array toLocaleString( )
Returns a comma-delimited string of values, theoretically in a format tailored to the language and customs of the browser's default language. Implem
javascript Array toString( )
Returns a comma-delimited string of values, identical to using the Array.join( ) method with a comma parameter. All values are converted to some st
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