Javascript Reference
Categories: Array

javascript Array sort( )

@March 15, 2008, 1:22 a.m.
sort( ) Firefox/Netscape/NN 3 IE 4 ECMA 1  



Sorts the values of the array either by the ASCII value of string versions of each array entry or according to a comparison function of your own design. The sort( ) method repeatedly invokes the comparison function, passing two values from the array. The comparison function should return an integer value, which is interpreted by the sort( ) function as follows.

Value Meaning
<0 The second passed value should sort later than the first value.
0 The sort order of the two values should not change.
>0 The first passed value should sort later than the second.

The following comparison function sorts values of an array in numerical (instead of ASCII) order:

function doCompare(a, b) {
    return a - b

To sort an array by this function, the statement is:


By the time the sort( ) method has completed its job, it has sent all values to the doCompare( ) function two values at a time and sorted the values on whether the first value is larger than the second (in the manner of a bubble sort).

Not only does the sort( ) method rearrange the values in the array, but it also returns a copy of the sorted array.


A reference to a function that receives two parameters and returns an integer result.

Returned Value

An Array object, sorted according to sorting criteria.

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