Javascript Reference
Categories: AREA

javascript AREA target

@March 15, 2008, 1:22 a.m.
target Firefox/Netscape/NN 2 IE 3 Chrome/Safari/DOM 1  


This is the name of the window or frame that is to receive content as the result of navigating to an area link. Such names are assigned to frames by the frame element's name attribute; for subwindows, the name is assigned via the second parameter of the ) method. If you need the services of a target attribute to open a linked page in a blank browser window and you also need the HTML to validate under strict HTML or XHTML DTDs, you can omit the target attribute in the code, but assign a value to the area element's target property by script after the page loads.

document.getElementById("homeArea").target = "_blank";

String value of the window or frame name, or any of the following constants (as a string): _parent | _self | _top | _blank. The _parent value targets the frameset to which the current document belongs; the _self value targets the current window; the _top value targets the main browser window, thereby eliminating all frames; and the _blank value creates a new window of default size.



Hello admin, Your posts are always well written.
Mora Debenham - 2 months
Hi, I used to use only

<a href=> google </a>
lepImmops - 2009-07-11

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