Javascript Reference
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javascript IMG hspace, vspace
Provide the pixel measure of horizontal and vertical margins surrounding an image object. The hspace property affects the left and right edges of
javascript IMG href
The URL specified by the element's src attribute. Identical to, and deprecated in favor of, the src property.
javascript IMG height, width
Provide the height and width in pixels of the image rendered in the img element. Changes to these values are immediately reflected in reflowed con
javascript IMG focus( )
Gives focus from the current IMG object, at which time the IMG object's onfocus event fires. Note that the range of elements capable of focus and blur
javascript IMG fileUpdatedDate
For an image file retrieved from a server, this property may more accurately reflect the date the file was last uploaded to the server than the othe
javascript IMG fileSize
Returns the number of bytes for the size of the currently-loaded image. IE for Windows returns this value as a string, while IE for Macintosh return
javascript IMG fileModifiedDate
Returns a string of the date (but not the time) that the server (or local filesystem) reports the currently-loaded file was most recently modified.
javascript IMG fileCreatedDate
Returns a string of the date (but not the time) that the server (or local filesystem) reports the currently-loaded file was created. By loading an i
javascript IMG dynsrc
URL of a video clip to be displayed through the img element. Changing this property loads a new video clip into the image object.
javascript IMG dataSrc
Used with IE data binding to specify the ID of the page's IMG object element that loads the data source object for remote data access
javascript IMG dataFormatAs
This property is a member of the img element object in IE, but does not apply to img because data binding values are linked to the src attrib
javascript IMG dataFld
Used with IE data binding to associate a remote data source column name with the src property of the img object. A datasrc attribute must als
javascript IMG complete
Reveals whether the img element's src or lowsrc image file has fully loaded. Note that Navigator 4 provides an incorrect true reading befor
javascript IMG border
Provides the thickness of the border around an element (in pixels). This property is read-only in Navigator 4.
javascript IMG blur( )
Removes focus from the current IMG object, at which time the IMG object's onblur event fires.
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