Javascript Reference
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javascript text recordNumber
Used with IE data binding, returns an integer representing the record within the data set that generated the element (i.e., an element whose con
javascript text insertData( )
Inserts text into a zero-based character position in the text node.
javascript text deleteData( )
Removes characters from the current text node starting with the character in (zero-based) position signified by startOffset , and for a length of
javascript text appendData( )
Adds characters (passed as a string parameter) to the end of the current text node. The content consists of raw characters, so if you intend to add
javascript text length
Provides a count of characters in the text node.
javascript text disabled
Specifies whether the text element is available for user interaction. When set to true, the element cannot receive focus or be modified by the user
javascript text data
Contains the string of characters in the text node. The value is the same as the nodeValue property value, and there is no reason to favor one pro
javascript text blur( )
Removes focus from the current text object, at which time the text object's onblur event fires. Note that the range of elements capable of focus and b
javascript text accessKey
This is single character key that either gives focus to an element (in some browsers) or activates a form control or link action. The browser an
javascript text Description
A Text object is what this book calls in many places a "text node." Microsoft refers to this object as a TextNode object. This object repres
javascript TD width
The width property of TD is described in chapter: javascript TD height, width
javascript TD vAlign
Specifies the manner of vertical alignment of text within the element's content box.
javascript TD scope
Reflects the scope attribute of table cell elements. In practice, no mainstream browsers provide functionality for this property.
javascript TD rowSpan
Specifies the number of rows through which the current table cell should extend itself downward. For each additional row included in the rowSpan count
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