Javascript Reference
Grammar > Number
javascript Number Description
A Number object represents any numerical value, whether it is an integer or floating-point number. By and large, you don't have to worry about the
javascript Number constructor
This is a reference to the function that created the instance of a Number objectthe native Number( ) constructor function in browsers.
javascript Number MAX_VALUE
Equal to the highest possible number that JavaScript can handle.
javascript Number MIN_VALUE
Equal to the smallest possible number that JavaScript can handle.
javascript Number NaN
Equal to a value that is not-a-number. JavaScript returns this value when a numerical operation yields a non-numerical result because of a flaw in o
Values that are outside of the bounds of Number.MIN_VALUE and Number.MAX_VALUE , respectively.
javascript Number prototype
A property of the static Number object. Use the prototype property to assign new properties and methods to future instances of a Number value created
javascript Number toExponential( )
Returns a string containing the number object's value displayed in JavaScript's exponential notation. The single parameter specifies the number of d
javascript Number toFixed( )
Returns a string containing the number object's value displayed with a fixed number of digits to the right of the decimal (useful for currency calcu
javascript Number toLocaleString( )
Returns a string version of the number object's value. The precise format of the returned value is not mandated by the ECMA standard, and may be dif
javascript Number toPrecision( )
Returns a string containing the number object's value displayed with a fixed number of digits, counting digits to the left and right of the decimal.
javascript Number toString( )
Returns the object's value as a string data type. You don't need this method in practice because the browsers automatically convert Number values
javascript Number valueOf( )
Returns the Number object's value.
The max number precision value in javascript
It is 2^53 = 9007199254740992.

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