Javascript Reference
Form Elements > InputTypeReset
javascript InputTypeReset Description
The reset object is a form control generated with an input element whose type attribute is set to reset . This element is similar to the bu
javascript InputTypeReset form
Returns a reference to the form element that contains the current element (if any). When processing an event from this element, the event handler
javascript InputTypeReset name
This is the identifier associated with the form control contains current InputTypeReset element. Names are hidden from user view, since control labels
javascript InputTypeReset type
Returns the type of form Reset control element. The value is returned in all lowercase letters.
javascript InputTypeReset value
This is one of the rare times that the value property controls the label of a form control: the text that appears on the reset button.
javascript InputTypeReset createTextRange( )
Creates a TextRange object containing the InputTypeReset button's label text. See the TextRange object for details.
javascript InputTypeReset handleEvent[ ]
Instructs the object to accept and process the event whose specifications are passed as the parameter to the method. The object must have an event h

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