Javascript Reference
Form Elements > InputTypeRadio
javascript InputTypeRadio Description
The radio object is a form control generated with an input element that has a type attribute set to "radio" . radio objects related to eac
javascript InputTypeRadio checked
Determines whether the radio button is selected or turned on by the user or script. Only radio objects with the checked property set to true
javascript InputTypeRadio dataFld
Used with IE data binding to associate a remote data source column name to a radio button element value attribute determined by properties set in
javascript InputTypeRadio dataSrc
Used with IE data binding to specify the ID of the page's InputTypeRadio object element that loads the data source object for remote data access.
javascript InputTypeRadio defaultChecked
Specifies whether element has the checked attribute set in the tag. You can compare the current checked property against defaultChecked to se
javascript InputTypeRadio form
Returns a reference to the form element that contains the current InputTypeRadio element (if any).
javascript InputTypeRadio name
This is the identifier associated with the form control contains current InputTypeRadio element. The value of this property is submitted as one-half o
javascript InputTypeRadio status
Specifies whether the InputTypeRadio element is highlighted/checked. This property is identical to the checked property.
javascript InputTypeRadio type
Returns the type of form control element. The value is returned in all lowercase letters. It may be necessary to cycle through all form elements in
javascript InputTypeRadio value
Indicates the current value associated with the form control that is submitted with the name/value pair for the group of like-named elements (if the
javascript InputTypeRadio handleEvent[ ]
Instructs the InputTypeRadio object to accept and process the event whose specifications are passed as the parameter to the method

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